2021- Current

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The American School Foundation of Guadalajara a dual immersion English/Spanish, private school with education ranging from pre-first to high school level. As the only U.S. State Department accredited school in Guadalajara, graduates receive both a Mexican and U.S. diploma. The Mexican diploma is certified by the Universidad Nacional Autonóma de Mexico (UNAM) and the Secretaría de Educación Jalisco (SEJ), the state’s federal institution in charge of education.

The average yearly enrollment at ASFG is 1500 students. The student body is predominantly Mexican, at 75% of the student population, 13% are U.S. students with Mexican ties, and 12% are from Asian, Latin American and European countries. The faculty is recruited internationally and locally. The average faculty staff is 180 members.


Carol Morgan School is a world class international school where we are proud to host over 1,200 students representing more than 38 countries. The learning community strives to educate leaders of a multicultural, global society.